Onset 29 2020 Spec Changes
For 2020 Eminent Cycles has made enhancements to its two 29” offerings, the Onset ST and the Onset LT. We’ve listened to rider feedback, widened our size range and sourced the best components in an effort to meet the progressive demands of the sport at our good, better, best price model. We feel the below enhancements add to the Onset’s already stellar capabilities at an exceptional value.

Frame Update:
XL sizing – being a smaller company we initially had to focus on a limited size range when we launched the Onset last April. The success of the bike and demand for longer and larger size option made an XL offering out top priority for 2020. The XL gains a reach/wheelbase of 500mm/1246mm in ST and 490mm/1254mm in LT. Given that we had to open a new front triangle mold we took the opportunity to steepen the seat tube a degree for improved pedal efficiency, bringing it to 77/ST and 76/LT.

Component Spec updates:
12 Speed Shimano Drivetrain and brakes, throughout the entire Onset line. We have been extremely satisfied with the quality, consistency, and finish of Shimano product as well as their willingness to work with a smaller vendor such as ourselves, not to mention the fact that they are just up the road. Thanks to the extension of 12 speed Hyperglide+ to SLX and XT lines, all our Onset bikes will now feature the same gear range as our Pro bike (XTR) with a 32T chainring standard spec.

E13 Wheels- We’ve been very impressed with the quality and also the support and robust warranty that E13 provides. This running change and LT bikes have already rolled over. ST bikes will switch over the coming months. This change will also provide us with the ability to now offer a carbon wheel option on both our ST and LT Pro models at respective $8099-$8199. (apologies, these were not available at time of shoot)
For complete specs, pricing, and to learn more about Eminent or find out where you can demo a bike, head to www.eminentcycles.com.